Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Horse Training Methods

Natural Horsemanship as a horse training method is not just for trainers, it's for anyone who has a love for horses and wants to improve their understanding and connection with these beautiful animals. The benefits you gain from learning how to read horses will stay with you forever. If you are just starting your journey or have been working with horses for many years, you can learn how to have a more rewarding and fulfilling relationship with your horse. My journey started twenty-two years ago and I never stop learning. When you have a passion like this it is easy to absorb all you can in order to satisfy that urge to connect with the horse.

If we are to communicate effectively with horses we must learn as much as possible about the way horses "talk" to each other. One way they communicate is through their highly developed senses. Their hearing sense is extremely sensitive. Their smell is far greater than ours as a stallion can smell the scent of a mare in season up to 5 miles away. Their eyesight is poor compared to humans, but the placement of the eyes on the head allows them to see far more than we can. This is due to their eyesight being monocular which means they can focus on two different scenes at one time. Their skin is so sensitive that they can feel a fly on their shoulder which can cause the whole body to shake it off. All of these senses work together to form a unique communication system.

Horses For Beginners

Horses require a lot of maintenance. If you think you can just turn your horse out to grass in a field and not worry about it, you are wrong. Horses need to have their feet trimmed and may need shoeing depending on the amount of work they do. Like people, they need to have exercise, or they can get out of shape and fat. Some horses can eat so much that that they founder, which means their fee hurt so much they can't walk. Horses that have a tendency to gain weight should wear a grazing muzzle when turned out to grass, to prevent overeating. Ponies are especially prone to founder. Horses need to be checked every day to make sure they are not sick or injured. If you board your horse at a boarding facility, your horse is usually checked every day, which helps if you can't check on him every day.
The horse's amount of training and your ability are a big consideration when looking for a horse for beginners. If you have no riding experience, it is best to get a well trained quiet horse. These horses are sometimes called schoolmasters. It means they know their job. They are good horses for beginners to learn on, especially if you find one that is very forgiving. This means they don't get upset when beginners do things wrong.